Weekly Rollup June 8 - 13 2020
Here is a weekly roll up of what I read and watched of note. I thrive off of input, learning and collecting information. I get inspired with an idea, a quote, a text, a piece of art and then find a way to bring it to my work and leadership. Not everything I read or watch is a glowing recommendation, but with so much information available, short curated lists can be helpful. These are my best of the best that I believe others should spend time on if you are looking to learn. Let's discuss!
Reads of Interest this week: (read and reflected on)
- On Deconstructing and Unlearning Anti-Blackness in the Latinx Community
- Letter from Oakland: Black Motherhood in Sleepless Times (Idrissa Simmons-Nistili is a friend, mother and brilliant writer).
- Grover Addresses Racial Discrimination (Dr. Tawana Grover is my close friend and she is an incredible Superintendent).
What I streamed this week: (listened to and watched)
- Just Mercy (movie)
- Brene Brown Unlocking Us Podcast with Guest Ibram X. Kendi (podcast)
I hope you enjoy these pieces and find learning and leadership wherever it is made available to you.
If you come across great texts on the topics of leadership, intersectionality of race and gender, parenting, education, or Latinx culture, please share them with me. Learning and unlearning builds strong leadership capabilities.
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